This page provides a list of resources related to developing your skills with social scientific research.  These resources will primarily focus on those skills used to conduct social science research using large-sample survey designs, which is my area of expertise.

Literature Search and Retrieval

  • PsycINFO User Guide – this website from EBSCO Connect provides links to pages that give detail directions on how to use its database from basic to advanced searches.
  • Google Scholar Basic Search – the first page of this PDF gives instructions on how to use the basic and advance search feature and gives a list of word phrases to use to aid in your search.
  • Using Google Scholar Effectively – this YouTube video shows five different helpful hints to use Google Scholar to your advantage to search and retrieve articles.
  • Google Scholar Literature Review – this YouTube video uses an example to walk you through how you can have a broad topic on Google Scholar and be able to narrow in your search results.
  • PsycINFO Literature Review – this YouTube video uses an example of a random topic to show how you can use the PsycINFO/EBSCOhost database to find articles.
  • Research Literature Databases Relevant to Psychology (UK students can access via their linkblue account) – a list of databases such as PsychINFO that psychology researchers use to find relevant peer-reviewed journal articles and other types of literature such as book chapters and psychological instruments
  • Database Searching Skills and Databases & Advanced Searching – general tips for searching literature databases from UK Libraries experts.

Literature Review, Synthesis, and Annotated Bibliography

Study Design and Methodology

Data Collection & Participant Recruitment

Data Analysis

Writing Manuscripts for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Revising and Resubmitting Manuscripts Based on Peer Reviewer Feedback

  • Coming soon.

Presenting Your Research at a Conference: Posters and Presentations
